“I studied the MSL40118 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques in 2019, finishing up in December. I had no chemical or scientific background whatsoever, but I did very good in the course! Sahar was a great Trainer.
Two days after the course finished, I started working at Intertek as an XRF technician. Intertek were such a great company to work for and it was such a great experience. Due to my husband working shift work, I had to stop working there after 3 months. When COVID-19 hit, I then started working for Transperth as a sanitiser operator. I was sanitising all the buses. I then started searching for a job that suited childcare hours.
I am now working full-time as a construction materials testing (CMT) technician at Materials Consultants. I was completely prepared for the job. I’ve never had a complaint from my supervisors. They have just enrolled me in the MSL50118 Diploma of Laboratory Technology with LTT too.
The course was amazing. Anytime anyone asks me I tell them it was amazing, really really amazing. I learnt so much and I developed a passion for chemistry. I was really bad at mathematics in the past, but thanks to Sahar and her passion for explaining things, I was able to get through it. She made me realise I can do this. She helped me a lot and I really felt supported. My favourite part of the course was chemistry. I loved it, it was fantastic.”
— Emanuela Amati, MSL40118 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques student